Nymul / Amalie's Paper on Electrofuels Process Economics (Free Access)
Post date: Sep 29, 2014 10:36:5 PM
As part of our ARPA-e Electrofuels project, we conducted an extensive process economic analysis.
This follows up John's honors thesis on the topic and Amalie's effort to provide initial process analysis based on microbial energetics work.
A process economic assessment of hydrocarbon biofuels production using chemoautotrophic organisms
Nymul E. Khan, John A. Myers, Amalie L. Tuerk, Wayne R. Curtis
Bioresource Technology, 172:201–211, 2014.
DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2014.08.118
The Journal provides 50 days of free access (even to those without Journal access); therefore, you can download the PDF from the following URL for free until November 17, 2014 http://authors.elsevier.com/a/1Pn5e3QUFYqPkw
After that time we will post the pre-print documents as a link on this web site under PUBLICATIONS.