Dr. Curtis awarded Lawrence J. Perez Memorial Student Advocate Award!
Post date: May 12, 2015 12:56:52 AM
Recipients from the Penn State Engineering Alumni Society (PSEAS) Dinner held April 23rd, 2015.
Left to Right: Dr. Andrew Zydney, M.J. Smith, Laurinda Benner, Dr. Wayne Curtis, & Dr. Rob Rioux!
Dr. Curtis & his 'entourage'
Dean Elnashai awards Dr. Curtis the The Lawrence J. Perez Memorial Student Advocate Award, which recognizes a College of Engineering faculty member who contributes to the welfare of students and enriches the College by his or her willingness to devote significant time and effort to assist students with academic and/or personal problems. Nominated by his fellow students, excerpts from nomination letters were shared including the noteworthy mention of his willingness to put students first despite a "timebomb of a calendar"---Thanks Olga!!
From left to right: Erica Lennox, Olga Vinogradova, Danielle Dunshee, Dr. Wayne Curtis, Erik Curtis, & Rachel Erwin