D.C. Roadtrip to Support National Science & Technology Festival
Post date: May 01, 2016 8:1:35 PM
Dr. Curtis takes a group of students down to Washington DC to participate in the National Science and Engineering Festival where over 75,000 people attend a multi-day event with over 3000 booths, exhibitions and demonstrations. Sponsors or particular note to Chemical Engineers (Dow, Chevron, illmina, AstraZeneca, 3M,Bayer, Corning) with extensive support from societies (ACS, APS, API, ASM, FASEB, FDA), and nearly every governmental agency (NASA, USDA,NIH, NIST, DoD, NOAA). As part of the Society of InVitro Biology Booth, Penn State students including Haonan Xu, Olga Vinogradova, Tina Li, Krishnan Sreenivas presented plant tissue culture technology and plant propagation bioreactor systems. Here is picture of crew at Great Falls on way out of Washington.